How to courier your love and kisses

Have you ever miss your love one?
I bet everyone missed.
But how to send / deliver your love and kisses to your love one?
I bet no one know.
and the answer is DHL Courier delivery service!
Now DHL courier delivery service able to courier anything from big object to your love and kisses. Don’t believe? Watch the video below!
The wife miss his husband too much,
so she called up DHL courier delivery service to send her hug and kisses to her husband.
How she manage to do this?
Watch the video and don’t miss any part!
DHL helps you to deliver anything anywhere anytime!
Technorati Tags: dhl, dhl courier, dhl courier service, courier service, express courier service, courier item, send parcel, courier parcel, dhl parcel, logistic, courier logistic, logistic management

April 6th, 2007 at 11:08 am
omg… good one… even the kiss they deliver too… OMG
April 9th, 2007 at 6:12 am
Walao! i only wanna be the part1, dun want part2 lor!!
DHL rules lol
April 10th, 2007 at 2:01 am
eh anston,
in real life where got so many leng lui wan to deliver kisses la.
“Geli” aunties got a lot, so u still wan to be the part 1 ar?