November 24th, 2006
If you are pet’s owner and you only have one pet with no partners, your pet will be very lonely. If you have a dog as your pet then you have to spare some time for it.
Dogs are active animal, they need friends or accompany.
So most of the time dog want to play with you or its friends (of course tat’s its dog friends :p)
If you have no time for your pet dog, they will do some weird things to get your attention.
Below is a great example of how dog get to meet other dogs (the dog friends :p)

Continue reading What doggy do when they are lonely? Heineken Commercial
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November 19th, 2006
Look at those fire fighters, they only save the one who pay more!
Just like the live auction market place.
Although this is just a tv commercial, i believe this happen in real life in other form.
Especially in those country where bribery case is common.
Anyway this auction commercial quite funny.
Look at how they bid during the fire,
i wonder if they still have so time to bid againts each other :p

Continue reading Auction session during fire – Aucland Commercial
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November 16th, 2006
Many men like blond hair girls.
Personnally i have no specific preference towards blond hair or any hair color.
As long as overall outlook is nice and tidy then it’s ok for me 🙂
So girls, your hair can also be one of the seduction tool.
Just get to know what hair color and hair style your guy like and you got it!
Watch this hair shampoo commercial,
the blond hair girl is so sexy and attractive and the man is so enjoy!
Sometimes you might wan to change your hair style too

Continue reading Seducive Shampoo Commercial with Blond Hair Girl
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