Archive for the 'Commercial' Category

USA Dish Network Commercial – Telecommunication

Sunday, August 6th, 2006

I wish my country have this Dish Network service,
then my internet connection would be better.

Too bad, all the telecommunication licence already monopoly,
hopefully there is a new change in the future.

dish network, dish network com, dish network deal, dish network satelite, telecommunication

Continue reading USA Dish Network Commercial – Telecommunication

CK Moment Perfume Fragrance – Sex Appeal Ads

Saturday, August 5th, 2006

I like this CK Perfume Fragrance advertisement.
I think if you share this perfume with your love one,
she will love it 🙂

perfume, cheap perfume, perfume wholesale ck perfume, ck fragrace

Continue reading CK Moment Perfume Fragrance – Sex Appeal Ads

Sexy Sony VAIO Notebook Advertisement – Laptop Computer

Saturday, August 5th, 2006

I love the Sony VAIO Laptop computer design,
small, light, stylish, high mobility but it’s very costly!

Notebook computers, sony vaio notebook, dell notebook, dell laptop Notebook computers, sony vaio notebook, dell notebook, dell laptop

Notebook computers, sony vaio notebook, dell notebook, dell laptop Notebook computers, sony vaio notebook, dell notebook, dell laptop

i’ve asked myself before,
it’s that worth to buy an expensive powerful laptop computer?

The answer is:-
Continue reading Sexy Sony VAIO Notebook Advertisement – Laptop Computer