Archive for the 'Video' Category

Desktop computer transformation – 3D animation

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

Look at how the computer evolve!
The transformation start from
Old Big Computer => Old style AT computer => new desktop computer => Slim laptop / notebook computer => Small handheld computer => ?

Want to know what’s the final product?
Watch the video! Enjoy!

computer, desktop computer, laptop computer, laptop, notebook, notebook computer computer, desktop computer, laptop computer, laptop, notebook, notebook computer

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The magical whistle that take off everyone’s shirt!

Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

Wow! If you just have the kind of whistle that makes everyone’s shirt come off and follow you. Won’t you enjoy the view of those half clothes people?

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The NASDAQ Stock Market – 100 Trust companies

Monday, September 18th, 2006

Ok, here another version of The NASDAQ Stock Market – 100 Trust companies commercial. You can meet Starbucks Chairman, Staples Chairman and the CEO of Costco in this video.

Below are the summary of the scrips that i like the most:-

The starbucks chairman Howard Schultz said
“… in order to run a company, you have to have the ability to inspire others”

The CEO of Costco – Jim Sinegal, “In order to be successful, you have to have passion!”

The Chairman of Staples Tom Stemberg said
“Leadership is all about people, ”

and i like this the most
“Success is not an entitlement, it has to be earn!”

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